WillardSmartExit™ provides real-time exit sign status & automated compliance, reducing related maintenance costs by up to 90%.

WillardSmartExit™ meets NFPA regulations, as well as regulations established and overseen by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Our Smart Exit Sign is powered by cloud or kept in a closed loop environment upon request.  Additional value is provided by utilizing device omnipresence and known location.


13-15 yrs

Long Life LEDs

13-15 yrs

Battery Life


Dual Infrared Sensors

4 hr

Backup Battery Life
Sandia National Laboratories is actively pursuing the use of the Willard Smart Exit in their Livermore, California location
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Increased Worker Safety
& Compliance Solution All in One

 • Increased testing efficiency
• Automated compiling and reporting
• Lower cost per Exit Sign
• Highest quality LED lights
• Minimal manual labor
• 24/7/365 Consolidated dashboard
• View any time period
• Remotely conduct testing
• Device agnostic

Smart Optimization

Worry-Free Automatic Reporting

WillardSmartExit™ keeps you compliant, providing real-time status of all your exit signs, producing documented evidence of compliance.


Executive Visibility

User Friendly Dashboard

WillardSmartExit™ promptly notifies you of any failures along with details of the exact signs in question and their locations, all in a convenient user-friendly dashboard.

Risk Reduction

Eliminate Penalties for Failed Inspections

NFPA requires public buildings to inspect and maintain reports on life safety equipment, including exit signs, in accordance with local fire laws and regulations, manufacturer’s specifications & NFPA regulations. Industry faces increased scrutiny with less tolerance of infraction & massive fines, even shutdowns in extreme cases.

1. What are the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) regulations regarding Emergency Lighting and Exit Signs?
A monthly activation test requiring that Emergency Lighting / Exit Signs come on and provide the required emergency illumination for a minimum of 30 seconds.

An annual test where Emergency Lighting / Exit Signs are activated for 90 minutes to simulate a long-term emergency.

Emergency Lighting / Exit Signs to be operational during testing.

Written records of the monthly and yearly tests (showing documentation with respect to maintenance and retesting if problems occur) must be maintained.
2. How does this impact Exit Signs with battery backup?
NFPA 101 requires maintenance personnel to perform a manual test every 30 days, meaning that the “test” button on the Exit Sign needs to be pushed and held in place for 30 seconds to simulate a short outage. The Exit Sign needs to stay illuminated during the test while operating on the battery.

NFPA 101 requires an annual battery test of 90 minutes on each Exit Sign.

Written records need to be maintained and produced during an audit including maintenance and replacement records.

Manual testing of Exit Signs is labor intensive, expensive (typically involves overtime), typically requires multiple people (ladders or lifts) and is very disruptive to normal building operations.
3. What are the fines for not being compliant?
OSHA fines are currently $13,260 per violation.

Failure to abate is $13,260 per day beyond the abatement date.

Willful or repeated penalties are $132,598 (per violation).
4. What is the Willard Smart Exit Sign solution?
Willard Smart Exit provides a centralized real-time status of all your exit signs. It is secure, fast, flexible and facilitates a scalable, reliable administration.

A comprehensive life-safety solution that addresses NFPA 101 regulations in Exit Signs with a rapid ROI.

The Willard Smart Exit monitors the internal battery, providing battery status to an administrative dashboard. The dashboard provides battery status of all Exit Signs in your building(s) in a single location, replacing the need for manual testing.

Reports can be generated immediately upon request.
5. We have an in-house generator or stored energy system to back up the Exit Signs; Why do we need the Willard Smart Exit Sign?
A generator, stored energy system or a battery in a standard Exit Sign are all the same in the view of the NFPA and any other Authority Holding Jurisdiction . Regardless of which system you have you must comply with NFPA 101 and audit each emergency Exit Sign monthly and annually. A system with a generator does not help to meet compliance except by illuminating the Exit Sign for an emergency back up test.

Once a compliance test is complete with a system using a generator or stored energy or standard emergency battery Exit Sign the task of inspecting each individual Exit Sign must be completed (typically manually but sometimes with a tablet) and converted to an approved NFPA format. The Willard Smart Exit Sign completely changes how a facility manages the emergency Exit Sign compliance work load. The time and labor savings is an easy calculation. As is the life safety of all of the occupants of a facility. If you can save a huge amount of time and money by installing a Smart Exit Sign solution you greatly reduce the risks and liabilities of any facility.

6. Can a Willard Smart Exit Sign with its own battery backup be used even with a generator or stored energy system?
Yes. Installing a Smart Exit Sign with its own battery backup creates no electrical or mechanical issues as to how the existing generator or stored energy system operates.

In addition to the generator and stored energy systems having their own separate NFPA standards to meet, the facility now has a second emergency exit sign backup system should the generator or stored energy system experience a failure or delay.

7. How do we know if our generator or stored energy system meets NFPA Compliance?
The NFPA 101, NFPA 110 and NFPA 111 standards state clearly that an emergency exit sign, whether backed up with a generator, stored energy system or a battery pack within the Exit Sign, must illuminate for a minimum of 90 minutes. If the generator or stored energy system cannot exceed the 90 minutes than it is not acceptable as the emergency power source for the Exit Signs.

Emergency power systems provide automatic backup power in the event of normal power loss. They are required by code and shall provide power within 10 seconds to all life safety systems.
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13.38" x 4.5" x 11.45"
Compliance Standards:
UL 924, FCC PART 15, NFPA 101, NFPA 110 and NFPA 111, NEC, OSHA, IESNA
AC 120/240-277 VAC 50/60 Hz
Cloud Technology or Closed Loop
WiFi 802.11/b/g/n. Ethernet optional with 10/100 RJ 45 port.
7.2 V 4200mAh Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH)

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